Manage your applications instantly
By choosing this site, you will be able to automate your application management.
You will be able to manage profiles instantly.
This is an effective way to optimize the ranking of rental candidates in order to find the best candidates.
Chat with your candidates
Thanks to the service offered, you can chat live with candidates.
You will be able to learn more about them, on their motivations and habits.
Discuss house rules directly and answer questions relating to housing.
You can answer individual questions or group conversations.
Rent to people validated by a trusted network
You will have the option to require candidate members to apply for your rental accommodation if they have certain documents.
This is an advantage since these people will be validated by a trusted network on their motivations and habits.
Your rental agreement will be dated giving – giving since you and the candidate will have everything to gain. He will find accommodation adapted to his research and in the sector that suits him. As for you, you will find the ideal tenant(s) who will respect the agreement and take care of the premises."
Make your rental as secure as possible thanks to the features
Bailti offers you a multitude of practical features which allow you to secure your rental as well as possible
The privacy policy of the site is such that you will have nothing to fear regarding the morality of the candidates.
Candidate selection criteria are strict and Bailti only accepts serious and trustworthy candidates.